I'm reading a really good book called The Time Traveler's Wife by Audry
Niffenegger. Has anyone else read this or heard of it?
-for Jason 4/3/98
No. You know... I got new reading glasses. I could start reading again.
Laura k
qualis artifex pereo
Woo hoo! Lots of good reading out there just waiting for you.
-for Jason 4/3/98
I sstopped reading for pleasure in law school. Now I read and tuype on the
computer all day. I should read for pleasure. My job is kind of depressing/
Laura k
qualis artifex pereo
I miss reading for pleasure during times when I just can't fit it in. I enjoy
"getting lost" in a book.
-for Jason 4/3/98
That's why I had to stop. I also had to put away jigsaw puzzles and take all
games off my computer. I never did give up Prodigy, which is what I had at the
time. I rationalized it because I mostly posted on a site for lawyers. I later
found out one of the ladies I o[osted the most with was right there in Texas
School of Law with me! We became great friends. In fact I called her a couple
weeks ago when they said they were hiring a new lawyer and she was going to
apply but had to go in the hospital and missed the deadline. Can you believe,
out of 17 that applied, there were only three they considered qualified? It
will be interesting to see who they choose; they were all three very different.
I wish I had gotten to sit in on the interviews.
<p><br><b>Laura k</b>
<i>qualis artifex pereo</i><p></font>