Controversial :French Connection United Kingdom
(too old to reply)
Sally Atticum
2004-05-06 00:28:16 UTC

My sis-in-law is all up in arms about this. Anyone have an opinion?
<p><br><b>Laura k</b>

<i>qualis artifex pereo</i><p></font>
2004-05-06 01:00:27 UTC
Post by Sally Atticum
My sis-in-law is all up in arms about this. Anyone have an opinion?
Laura k
qualis artifex pereo
Denying them a trademark will not stop them from using the word.............A
trademark would just make it possible for them to stop others from using
it..............I wonder if this is on the up and up..............
Tonight we dance
Sally Atticum
2004-05-06 02:55:12 UTC
Post by Sally Atticum
My sis-in-law is all up in arms about this. Anyone have an opinion?
Laura k
qualis artifex pereo
Denying them a trademark will not stop them from using the word.............A
trademark would just make it possible for them to stop others from using
it..............I wonder if this is on the up and up..............
Tonight we dance
Well.... it was put out by the AFA....
<p><br><b>Laura k</b>

<i>qualis artifex pereo</i><p></font>
2004-05-06 07:16:03 UTC
Post by Sally Atticum
My sis-in-law is all up in arms about this. Anyone have an opinion?
Laura k
qualis artifex pereo
Denying them a trademark will not stop them from using the word.............A
trademark would just make it possible for them to stop others from using
it..............I wonder if this is on the up and up..............
Tonight we dance
Well.... it was put out by the AFA....

Laura k
qualis artifex pereo
But it is so pointless..............The clothes will be sold, advertised, and
put to the public in other ways...........trademark or not..............And as
far as a trademark being a government endorsement.....it is not................
Tonight we dance
Sally Atticum
2004-05-07 01:14:14 UTC
Post by Sally Atticum
My sis-in-law is all up in arms about this. Anyone have an opinion?
Laura k
qualis artifex pereo
Denying them a trademark will not stop them from using the word.............A
trademark would just make it possible for them to stop others from using
it..............I wonder if this is on the up and up..............
Tonight we dance
Well.... it was put out by the AFA....

Laura k
qualis artifex pereo
But it is so pointless..............The clothes will be sold, advertised, and
put to the public in other ways...........trademark or not..............And as
far as a trademark being a government endorsement.....it is not................
Tonight we dance
I keep telling my mother to stop reading that site. lol. Talk about fanatical
right wing religious nuts. lol I had to deal with them when I was in
communities in Shools trying to get decent sex ed legislation. Talk about a
well-organized, well-oiled propaganda machine!
<p><br><b>Laura k</b>

<i>qualis artifex pereo</i><p></font>
2004-05-07 01:25:24 UTC
Post by Sally Atticum
I keep telling my mother to stop reading that site. lol. Talk about fanatical
right wing religious nuts. lol I had to deal with them when I was in
communities in Shools trying to get decent sex ed legislation. Talk about a
well-organized, well-oiled propaganda machine!
Laura k
qualis artifex pereo
Please send me the link again.........I only read about that one thing, but,
now would like to read the rest................
Tonight we dance
Sally Atticum
2004-05-07 02:10:23 UTC
Post by Sally Atticum
I keep telling my mother to stop reading that site. lol. Talk about fanatical
right wing religious nuts. lol I had to deal with them when I was in
communities in Shools trying to get decent sex ed legislation. Talk about a
well-organized, well-oiled propaganda machine!
Laura k
qualis artifex pereo
Please send me the link again.........I only read about that one thing, but,
now would like to read the rest................
Tonight we dance
I'm sorry, do you mean the article or the website. I think I picked up a trojan
when I went to one of their websites to read somethig about abortion. They can
track your online movements with those.

This is their website: http://afa.net/

Here is one of their current articles:

<b>African UMC Delegate on Homosexuality: 'If Sin is Sin, It Has to Stay Sin'

By Jim Brown
May 6, 2004

PITTSBURGH, PA (AgapePress) - Overseas delegates attending the United Methodist
General Conference in Pittsburgh have been issuing impassioned calls for the
denomination to stop considering resolutions that embrace homosexuality.

On the floor of the General Conference, delegate Mande Mutombo from the North
Katanga Conference in West Africa asked why the denomination was spending so
much time debating behavior that is condemned in scripture.

"I'm wondering myself by what mechanism what the church considered yesterday to
be a sin, how can it turn today and it becomes a God-blessed practice?" Mutombo

Mutombo told delegates he believes God loves all people, but that the practice
of homosexuality cannot be affirmed. "A church should definitely take its
responsibility to stop coming again and again on this issue," he said. "If sin
is sin, it has to stay sin as such and be removed once and for all."

Mutombo urged the denomination to call on homosexuals in the church to let
their lives be transformed by God. He told the delegates they need to live up
to the theme of this week's conference.

"The theme of the conference is clear: 'Water Washed, Spirit Born.' So this is
a door which is open for people to be water washed, to come to God, and to be
born anew to belong to the family of God," the delegate from Africa stated. "We
are [all children] of God, but we live outside the sin area. This is sin. We
will not continue as a church to support what we think is not correct."

The denomination has been considering several resolutions on sexual
orientations, the ordination of homosexuals, inclusiveness, and civil rights.
So far, the General Conference has voted down legislation supporting same-sex
"marriage" or "civil unions."

© 2004 AgapePress all rights reserved
<p><br><b>Laura k</b>

<i>qualis artifex pereo</i><p></font>
2004-05-07 13:38:31 UTC
Post by Sally Atticum
I'm sorry, do you mean the article or the website. I think I picked up a trojan
when I went to one of their websites to read somethig about abortion. They can
track your online movements with those.
This is their website: http://afa.net/
Laura k
qualis artifex pereo
Thanks.............Oh! Bernie, they still want us to boycott
Tonight we dance
2004-05-07 23:26:18 UTC
Subject: Re: Controversial :French Connection United Kingdom
From: ***@aol.commonsense (Counerston)
Date: 5/7/2004 9:38 AM Eastern Standard Time
Post by Sally Atticum
I'm sorry, do you mean the article or the website. I think I picked up a trojan
when I went to one of their websites to read somethig about abortion. They can
track your online movements with those.
This is their website: http://afa.net/
Laura k
qualis artifex pereo
Thanks.............Oh! Bernie, they still want us to boycott
Tonight we dance

OMG! I am laughing so hard I know my side is going to start aching. Shall I
call out the troops? Is there a board?
-for Jason 4/3/98
2004-05-08 04:01:25 UTC
This is their website: http://afa.net/
Post by Sally Atticum
Laura k
qualis artifex pereo
Thanks.............Oh! Bernie, they still want us to boycott
Tonight we dance

OMG! I am laughing so hard I know my side is going to start aching. Shall I
call out the troops? Is there a board?
-for Jason 4/3/98
No board..............Wish there was...........Time travel is
I just went back many years.............
Tonight we dance
2004-05-08 10:57:38 UTC
Subject: Re: Controversial :French Connection United Kingdom
From: ***@aol.commonsense (Counerston)
Date: 5/8/2004 12:01 AM Eastern Standard Time
Message-id: <***@mb-m29.aol.com>

This is their website: http://afa.net/
Post by Sally Atticum
Laura k
qualis artifex pereo
Thanks.............Oh! Bernie, they still want us to boycott
Tonight we dance

OMG! I am laughing so hard I know my side is going to start aching. Shall I
call out the troops? Is there a board?
-for Jason 4/3/98
No board..............Wish there was...........Time travel is
I just went back many years.............
Tonight we dance

Aha! I knew you'd come around! ;)
-for Jason 4/3/98
2004-05-10 02:48:35 UTC
Post by Bernie
Aha! I knew you'd come around! ;)
-for Jason 4/3/98
:) :)
Tonight we dance
